Site Info and Policies for
On this page: Site Design Info, Copyright Info, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Accessibility Statement
A note from the website designer: This site can be viewed in any web browser. However, your personal computer and/or browser settings may alter the way this website appears. Each browser has its own quirks and bugs. For instance, the shades of blue or green on this site may appear gray, blue, or another shade of green on an android tablet, or some headings may move into the next line if you have ultra magnification. Some browsers require you allow sound before it is played, and this is based on your browser of choice and/or your settings. We have no control over your devices or the browsers, but unless you have some crazy-weird settings, then you should be able to see everything as it was intended.
Site Design
Web Design: Potterton Creative
Content: Tree Williams
Photography: Image of Tree Williams and all the artwork are copyright © Tree Williams.
Questions about this site? Send your message through the contact page form; if it's not spam, it will be addressed.
This entire site © 2023 Tree Williams, Tree Williams Art
Please note that if the website design changes in any form, the same copyright and use policy still applies.
Your right to use this site and its contents: This site is only for your personal use. You may not distribute, exchange, modify, sell or transmit anything you copy from this site, including, but not limited to, any text, images, audio, and video, for any business, commercial or public purpose without permission. Having said that, sharing is greatly appreciated and allowed. Many thanks.
Privacy Policy
This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for treewilliamsart.com (“We” or “Us” or “Our” or “Website”). This Privacy Policy describes our practices in connection with information collected through services such as websites, mobile sites, applications ('apps'), and widgets. We take your privacy extremely seriously, and we never sell lists or email addresses. By using or visiting treewilliamsart.com, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.
This website is intended for a general audience and is not targeted at children. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18 years of age.
This Privacy Policy applies to all users, including both those who use treewilliamsart.com without subscribing to the blog or newsletters and to those who have subscribed to the blog or newsletters. This Privacy Policy applies to Our collection and use of your personal information (i.e., information that identifies a specific person, such as full name or email address). It also describes general practices for handling non-personal information (for example, interests, and demographics).
If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately via our contact form.
Information Collection, Use, and Sharing
We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell, share, trade, or rent this information to anyone. We collect the following information from and about you:
Subscriber Information is the information you voluntarily submit when you subscribe to Our blog, receive a newsletter, post comments on the website or blog, or enter a contest or giveaway. Registration Information may include, for example, name, email address, zip code, and country of origin.
Public Information and Posts consist of comments or content that you voluntarily post to Our blog or website and the information about you that accompanies those posts or content, which may include a name, user name, comments, likes, status, profile information and picture. Public Information and Posts are always public, which means they are available to everyone and may be displayed in search results on external search engines.
Information from Social Media. We do not collect data from social media for use on Our website. However, if you voluntarily use social media to log in to Our blog or post comments, information such as posts, username, comments, likes, status, profile information, and picture, may show up on the Website, and may be public and show up in external search engines.
We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. If you subscribed to Our blog or newsletter, your email will be used for the sole purpose of receiving blog posts and/or newsletters. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request.
We may also contact you if there are changes to this privacy policy.
Your privacy is important to us.
Your Access to and Control Over Information
You may opt-out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the contact form given on our website:
See what data we have about you, if any.
Change/correct any data we have about you.
Have us delete any data we have about you.
Express any concern you have about our use of your data.
There is always an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every newsletter. There is also a link to update your preferences at the bottom of every newsletter. Your newsletter registration information is stored on MailChimp servers and not on Our personal servers or computers.
You will always have access to control your own information when registering to Our blog, and the ability to change your information and subscription settings. Your blog registration information is stored on WIX servers and not on Our personal servers or computers.
We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the website (i.e. entering information into a subscribe form), your information is protected both online and offline. Your information is saved on WIX servers and not on Our personal servers or computers.
This website contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of any other site that collects personally identifiable information.
COPPA (Children Online Privacy Protection Act)
When it comes to the collection of personal information from children under the age of 13 years old, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) puts parents in control. The Federal Trade Commission, United States' consumer protection agency, enforces the COPPA Rule, which spells out what operators of websites and online services must do to protect children's privacy and safety online.
We do not specifically market to children under the age of 13 years old.
Fair Information Practices
The Fair Information Practices Principles form the backbone of privacy law in the United States and the concepts they include have played a significant role in the development of data protection laws around the globe. Understanding the Fair Information Practice Principles and how they should be implemented is critical to comply with the various privacy laws that protect personal information.
In order to be in line with Fair Information Practices we will take the following responsive action, should a data breach occur:
We will notify you via this website
• Within 7 business days
We also agree to the Individual Redress Principle which requires that individuals have the right to legally pursue enforceable rights against data collectors and processors who fail to adhere to the law. This principle requires not only that individuals have enforceable rights against data users, but also that individuals have recourse to courts or government agencies to investigate and/or prosecute non-compliance by data processors.
The CAN-SPAM Act is a law that sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have emails stopped from being sent to them, and spells out tough penalties for violations.
We collect your email address in order to:
• Send information, respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions.
• Send you blog posts and/or newsletters depending upon what you voluntarily subscribed to on this website.
To be in accordance with CANSPAM, we agree to the following:
• Not use false or misleading subjects or email addresses.
• Identify the message as an advertisement in some reasonable way.
• Include the city, state, and country of our location.
• Monitor third-party email marketing services for compliance, if one is used.
• Honor opt-out/unsubscribe requests quickly.
• Allow users to unsubscribe by using the link at the bottom of each email.
If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, you can:
• Follow the instructions at the bottom of each newsletter, or contact us, and we will promptly remove you from ALL correspondence.